
  • Sanjeev Kumar J. N.
  • Rama Krishna Naik


artificial Intelligence, E- Recruitment, Talent Management


Companies with the concept of greater resource saving and efficiencies opting to new technologies in the interview process, such has artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a technology which creates machines that can work and react like humans. It is an emerging field in the Information and Communication Technology arena.The main purpose of this paper is to analyze how digital technologies contribute to identifying, selecting and retention of talented employees are the successive stages of the recruitment process. An emerging and polymorphous phenomenon of recruitment, it begins with identifying candidates on social networks and continues through gamification of recruitment andends by matching a candidate who fits to a job using artificial intelligence. Talent management have focused on a single, unsophisticated scheme for the last decade that would help end-to-end recruiting workflows, from applicant sourcing to onboarding a new employee.  Most of them select E- recruitment than regular recruitment process and proved to be more successful in finding the right candidate for the right position.


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How to Cite

Sanjeev Kumar J. N., & Rama Krishna Naik. (2022). A STUDY ON ADOPTION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRY 4.0: A REVIEW PAPER. ಅಕ್ಷರಸೂರ್ಯ (AKSHARASURYA), 1(02), 33 to 43. Retrieved from https://aksharasurya.com/index.php/latest/article/view/16


