The Journal accepts research articles, case studies, commentaries, book/article reviews for publication.

  1. The manuscript should be of an average length of 2,000 words, typed in MS Word, with 1.5-line space, 12 Font size.
  2. The manuscript should carry an abstract of about 150-200 words with not more than Six keywords. Both the abstract and keywords are mandatory.
  3. The tables and figures in the text should be centered with proper titles and figures and they are to be in JPEG format. Only black and white figures will be accepted. Scattered images and tables are not accepted.
  4. Authors should take obligatory written permission from the concerned publishers for reproducing the Images/Figures/ Tables. Authors are expected to produce this written permission on the request of the Editor.
  5. Proper citation should be given in the manuscript for Images/Figures and Tables reproduced from other sources.
  6. Endnotes: All notes should be indicated by serial numbers in the text and the detailed reference should be given as endnotes at the end of the document, following the corresponding numbers before the references. No footnote system is to be followed. Endnotes are optional.
  7. References: The list of references should be placed after the endnotes. Only the works cited or referred to in the main text should be cited under the references. Citation and references should adhere to the seventh edition of APA.
  8. Citations should mention the DOI numbers in the references wherever applicable.
  9. Book reviews shall not exceed 1500 words and should carry the following details in the order as below: Name of the author, title of the book reviewed, place of publication, name of the publisher, year of publication, number of pages in Roman and Arabic figures to include preliminary pages, and price, with binding specifications as to whether it is paperback or hardcover and ISBN. A critical assessment of the book is expected.
  10. Commentaries shall be of an average length of 1500 words.
  11. Whenever a copyrighted material is used, contributors should accurately reproduce, and obtain permission from the copyright holders, and the same should be acknowledged in the article.
  12. Every contribution should be accompanied by a declaration that the article is original and has not been published nor submitted elsewhere for publication.
  13. All submitted articles will be double blind peer reviewed. Acceptance of articles is subject to recommendation by the review panel and subsequent acceptance by the Editor.
  14. Every accepted article will be copy-edited. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make necessary revisions to the text in keeping with the journal style sheet and standard.
  15. Every author will receive a complimentary copy of the journal issue.
  16. Author contribution statement should be included at the end of the manuscript.
  17. Authors should state any conflict of interest in the manuscript.
  18. Funding information: Authors may mention about the funding/grant received to carry out the research work.
  19. Correspondence: One author should be designated as Corresponding author and will be the principal contact for the editorial team for any publication related matters. Corresponding authors should get the consent from the co-authors for any matter related to publication.
  20. Corresponding Authors are required to obtain the consent of all their co-authors prior to submitting a manuscript for publication.
  21. Upon acceptance of the article, the copyright form should be submitted to the editorial office signed by all authors. If acceptable to all authors, the corresponding author may sign on their behalf.
  22. It is mandatory for all the authors to provide the name of their affiliated institution, place and correspondence details including email.
  23. If any change in authorship is necessary after a manuscript has been submitted, the Corresponding Author must email a copy of a signed letter to the Editor-in-Chief confirming that all of the original co-authors have been notified and have agreed to the change.
  24. If the change involves the removal of a co-author’s name, the Corresponding Author must arrange for a signed consent letter from the co-author concerned and email the same to the Editor.
  25. No changes in the author list will be permitted after a manuscript has been accepted.
  26. All editorial correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor in Chief, Aksharasurya Journal (ASJ), ‘AKSHARA’, No. 697, 4th Main, Raghavendra Block, Srinagara, Bengaluru – 560 050. Ph: 9008588133;