- Articles are sent to the Editorial Board Members based on their research areas for double blind review.
- After receiving the review comments from two reviewers and collectively drawing the conclusion, the decision along with comments are sent to the authors.
- The articles can be fully acceptable or completely rejected or may be asked to carry out minor corrections or may be resubmitted after major revision.
- The revised articles are received from the authors, they are sent to the editorial team for final decision.
- Accepted articles are sent for typesetting and proofreading.
- The authors initially receive the Gally Proof of their articles which are sent to them by E-mail for any corrections which have to be incorporated.
- Once the editing and corrections are done, the corresponding author will receive the Final Gally Proof (PDF), issue details including page numbers for final approval.
- After incorporating the final corrections, the articles are sent for online publication and printing.
- Authors receive the Electronic Reprint of their articles and hardcopy of the Journal as complimentary copy.
- In case of some discrepancies Erratum is provided in the subsequent issue.